1) Adele - 21 Adele is an English songstress who's captured my musical heart. She just released her second album and it's nothing short of amazing and a refreshing change from the talentless garbage on the radio these days. Her first single 'Rolling in the Deep' is so powerful it gives me butterflies. She also throws in a cover of a classic love song. Her last album, 19, she covered Bob Dylan's 'Make You Feel My Love'. This time around she's chosen The Cure's 'Lovesong', which is one of my absolute favorites and she does it beautifully. If you're looking for something mellow, something that speaks to your heart, you must check out Adele.

2) The Black Keys - Brothers If you don't recognize the name The Black Keys, you may recognize a few of their blues-rock tunes from various movies and TV shows such as Black Snake Moan, Son's of Anarchy, Zombieland and various TV commercials. This album won two awards at this year's Grammy Awards and I highly recommend if you're looking for something a little different than the regular rock sound out there today.

4) Various Artists - Songs for Japan I downloaded this on Itunes. 38 songs for only $9.99 with proceeds going to the Japanese Red Cross in support of the tragic earthquake and tsunami that hit them earlier this month.
5) Britney Spears - Femme Fatale This is one album I DO NOT recommend. I won this album on a local radio station and gave it a quick listen the other day. Usually I dig most Britney tunes for the sole reason of them being great dance tunes to get you pumped up. This album on first listen made me want to vomit. The amount of auto-tune makes Britney's voice unrecognizable for the most part, and while we've all known that she's not known for the best talent, this album shows even less of that. Brit honey, you really should have quit two albums ago before you went crazy. I don't think there will be an redemption now.

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