I think I might try something new for my blog and periodically post a top five list of various topics. If you have a suggestion for a top five list, let me know. But today I'm giving you the last five albums I've purchased. Enjoy.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
The Not So Feel Good Ripple
Last year Servus Credit Union started a new movement called the Feel Good Ripple. They gave away $10 to anyone that stopped into a branch, along with ‘ripple cards’, encouraging recipients to do something good for someone else and pass along the ripple. I think this was an amazing idea, encouraging the random acts of kindness and creating a movement across Alberta .
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Thrill Seeking Vacation
Some of you may remember a blog post from earlier this year in which I shared my bucket list, my list of things to do before I 'kick the bucket'. It's a relatively small list so far and it recently got a little shorter. While on vacation with my family in Hawaii I was able to cross something off that list, something I've wanted to do since the last time I was in Hawaii 9 years ago.
Some of you may remember a blog post from earlier this year in which I shared my bucket list, my list of things to do before I 'kick the bucket'. It's a relatively small list so far and it recently got a little shorter. While on vacation with my family in Hawaii I was able to cross something off that list, something I've wanted to do since the last time I was in Hawaii 9 years ago.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
I sometimes feel like I am one of the few people that really understands Lady Gaga. To most people she’s an attention seeking pop-star, looking to make the biggest statement and attract the most attention, be it positive or negative. She’s weird, she’s eccentric, and she may even be offensive. But I think she’s using her power as one of the world’s biggest stars to send a huge, positive statement to our society.
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A friend and I with Lady Gaga - November 2008 at Empire Ballroom in West Edmonton Mall |
Monday, September 13, 2010
Song of the Moment
The new Rihanna single 'Only Girl (in the World)' was released on iTunes today. I heard it on the radio last week and didn't really like it, but it's starting to grow on me, especially the lyrics.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Hiking, Hot Dogs and Shakes, OH MY!
Today I took a much needed getaway out of Red Deer . Friend and I packed up bright and early this morning and headed out to Banff to hike at Johnston Canyon . It was a gorgeous day to go there, not a cloud in the sky!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
100 Cups
A very good friend of mine has been on a never ending quest to better himself. He's started a new project called 100 Cups, in which him and a friend set out to have 100 cups of tea with 100 strangers.
The goal is to try and break down the barriers between strangers in every day life. We all go through our days performing our daily routines and rituals and we hardly stop to be social with those performing their daily routines along side us. If we all just stopped to say hello and maybe share a story or experience or two, we could learn something new.
And so, Greg has set out to make a change. Posting ad's in newspapers, message boards and at local shops, they search for 100 individuals who don't mind taking some time out of their day to sit down and share a cup of tea and conversation.
They've already had 2 cups and have posted their experiences on their website, www.onehundredcups.com. I look forward to reading more stories as their adventure continues and I encourage everyone else to follow along as well.
I think it would be beneficial for society to grow closer to one another again instead of going through live individually. Growing together could lead to working together to make even larger changes down the road. Greg is doing his part, perhaps we can too.
The goal is to try and break down the barriers between strangers in every day life. We all go through our days performing our daily routines and rituals and we hardly stop to be social with those performing their daily routines along side us. If we all just stopped to say hello and maybe share a story or experience or two, we could learn something new.
And so, Greg has set out to make a change. Posting ad's in newspapers, message boards and at local shops, they search for 100 individuals who don't mind taking some time out of their day to sit down and share a cup of tea and conversation.
They've already had 2 cups and have posted their experiences on their website, www.onehundredcups.com. I look forward to reading more stories as their adventure continues and I encourage everyone else to follow along as well.
I think it would be beneficial for society to grow closer to one another again instead of going through live individually. Growing together could lead to working together to make even larger changes down the road. Greg is doing his part, perhaps we can too.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Rainy Days
I sit here looking out the window to yet another grey and rainy day. It seems we’ve had far too many of these days this summer. With our monthly average rain falling in just one day last week, it’s made for some wet days and depressing days stuck inside. The sad thing isn’t the amount of rainy, cloudy days. It’s the fact that as we grow up and become adults, we forget that rain is just wet and we aren’t going to melt if we go outside during a rainstorm!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Back to School Blues
I’ve recently taken a plunge and decided to go back to school. It’s been nearly four years since I completed college and entered the workforce full time, and my student skills are a bit rusty.
It was a long, hard decision to make.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Song of the Moment
I'm totally digging this collaboration between new R&B artist B.O.B. and Hayley Williams of Paramore. Wishing Hayley's part was expanded.
♪ Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now ♪
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The frustrating thing about reviewing the concerts I attend is the fact that my mind is basically a sieve. I have a hard time finding a place in my brain to store song titles, so while I remember all the details at a show, I can never remember what song it was.
I often have to research online and see if I can find any articles that may have picked up on the same things, or ask friends who were also in attendance if they remember. Sometimes I’m successful, other times not so much and I am forced to leave out that particular observation from my piece.
While in a state of attempt to remember something important, I often think to myself that I should remember to bring a notebook and pen to write down key moments, setlists, quotes, etc. I mean, every good writer has a notebook, right? If only I could remember to bring one. Next time I will, along with the ear plugs I never remember to bring…
I must be getting old!
Reliving the Peace
I was 11 years old when Our Lady Peace released their second album, Clumsy. In 1997, at the time of the release, they were sharing the charts with the likes of the Spice Girls, and still managed to break through the rock scene and become hugely successful, not only in Canada, but in the US as well.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Pretty Reckless
Bye bye Jenny Humphry, Hello The Pretty Reckless.
Taylor Momson's character from the popular teen drama Gossip Girl is being written out of the story for the end of Season 3 so Taylor can tour with her band The Pretty Reckless.
After hearing this news I had to check the band out to see if they were any good. I love chick music but the whole actress/singer crossover is really hit and miss. To my surprise they are actually pretty good! There is no album yet, but they're first single 'Make Me Wanna Die' was just released on I-Tunes. It's worth the $0.99 download.
The Pretty Reckless will be in Edmonton for Warped Tour 2010 in August. Can't wait to see how they are live!
Taylor Momson's character from the popular teen drama Gossip Girl is being written out of the story for the end of Season 3 so Taylor can tour with her band The Pretty Reckless.
After hearing this news I had to check the band out to see if they were any good. I love chick music but the whole actress/singer crossover is really hit and miss. To my surprise they are actually pretty good! There is no album yet, but they're first single 'Make Me Wanna Die' was just released on I-Tunes. It's worth the $0.99 download.
The Pretty Reckless will be in Edmonton for Warped Tour 2010 in August. Can't wait to see how they are live!

Friday, April 16, 2010
Check it Out!
Chop Stix Sushi Train
You sit around a little bar with a CP rail train that brings a selection of different kinds of sushi and non-sushi items for those that aren't into it. You select whatever looks good, or whatever you feel sorry for that no one else has chosen. Prices are based on the color of the plate you select. There is a menu in front of you that tells you what is under each color, and you may order from the menu as well if nothing is coming around that interests you. The benefit of ordering from the menu is they will usually put another plate on the train, so if you over hear someone ordering something interesting, chances are you can steal some too!
The best place to sit is at the back of the restaurant where you get first dibs on what comes off the train, to escape having someone steal something delicious before it makes its way over to you.
The food doesn't compare to other sushi places in the city, but the experience is silly and fun and I definitely recommend trying it out for something new.
And the best for last: order a fruit sorbet for desert. They come in a variety of flavors such as pineapple, coconut, lemon, apple and come in a fruit bowl. The coconut in a coconut shell apparently tastes like pina colodas! I sure wish I had known about those before I ordered my green tea ice cream!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Song of the Moment
I'm in love with this song right now! It's got a great beat to dance around your living room too. Pumped for the rest of the album, "Bionic", which is released June 8th, 2010! Already marked on my calender. Fingers crossed for a tour stop in AB. Missed the last tour and I WILL NOT miss it this time!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
There aren’t too many musicians that I can list that compare to the mind blowing talents of Matthew Bellamy, singer/guitarist/pianist of British alternative rock band Muse. Up until a few months ago, Muse was nothing but a name to me. Thanks to a special someone urging me to check them out, they are now on my list of top bands and best live shows of all time.
As the lights to the Saddledome faded, 3 tall structures resembling that of office buildings stood onstage. Made of video screens, the pillars showed a line of human silhouettes climbing stairs, only to tumble down when they reached the top. Curtains dropped and in the middle of the structures, Matthew Bellamy and his band mates erupted into ‘Uprising’ and ‘Resistance’, two singles from their latest record, released last year.
The visual effects for this show were some of the best I have ever seen. Live video feed of the band jamming, along with various other video complimented the mood of the song and were streamed through the giant three dimensional screens throughout the show. It was highly comparable to the last Nine Inch Nails tour.
But what Trent Reznor was missing were the lasers. Midway through the show, green laser beams were emitted across the stadium, some straight into the crowd, others from the roof to be deflected off the stage and outward. They were nothing short of spectacular albeit slightly distracting. Regardless, I had seen nothing like it previous to this show.
Even the grand piano Matt played during ‘United States of Eurasia’ and ‘Ruled by Secrecy’ lit up with each key hit.
Some may say that over the top lighting and stage setups are for the less talented bands of the world. This is definitely not the case for Muse.
Matthew Bellamy may currently have one of the strongest, most powerful voices I’ve witnessed, but also brings his superior guitar, piano and even key-tar (we all know how much I love the key-tar) skills to the table, making the rest of the band look a bit meek in comparison.
With their at times operatic sound, it’s really hard to compare this band to any one of their predecessors. They are in a league of their own for a band in this generation in both sound and theatrics. I left this show blown away, much like the giant eyeball balloons dropped over the crowd before the show’s end, only to explode into a flurry of confetti. Needless to say, Muse is definitely more than just a name now.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Young and Free
One of the greatest moments in a young person’s life is the day they are set free from their family home and set out to make a life of their own. Free to eat what you want, go where you want, sleep in as late as you want, with no one forcing you to do chores or be home in time for curfew. Oh how great it is to be young and free.
But most kids don’t realize how difficult it is to establish life on their own. There’s rent to pay and suddenly you realize that your cherished internet and cable actually costs money, and that leaving every light on in the house makes your energy bill sky rocket.
After learning that it’s costing nearly $30 a night to order pizza for dinner, you hit up the grocery store in attempt to make your first meal, only to learn that all you can afford is a case of no name brand macaroni and cheese.
For most young adults, moving out means you’re on your way to post secondary, where you are slapped with student loans to cover the cost of high tuition costs. On top of that you have to buy your own text books and supplies. You’re forced to juggle a part time job in between studying so you can make your monthly vehicle payments, leaving you frazzled as you can no longer afford your cherished daily latte to help you through the day.
Gosh, adult life is sure hard. How are you ever suppose to be able to afford anything?!
Enter Servus Credit Union’s Young and Free program. Not only are they offering a free account to youth between the ages of 17-25, but they are working to help promote awareness among Alberta ’s young adults, to help teach them about managing their own finances.
They have invited the youth of Alberta to submit a video application to win a chance to be the official spokesperson for this amazing program. For a full year, one of our own will be blogging and speaking out about the program and helping their peers learn more about managing their money.
On Friday, March 26, 2010, three finalists will be chosen from all of the applications for the Young and Free Spokester search. Voting will be open to the public to choose who you think should be the voice of the program and lead us to a financially secure future. I encourage all of my readers, regardless of your age, to check out all the applicants and vote for your favorite. Also, read up on the program and see what you can do to help educate yourself with your money.
With the right hints and tips, you might be able to set up a savings account and put money aside every month for emergencies, or to help you save for that big trip you’ve been planning. You might realize that racking up your credit card might make buying those $100 concert tickets to the hottest summer festival easier, but increases your monthly expenses. The money from those payments could be used for those new kicks you’ve been eyeing up at the mall instead!
We are the generation of tomorrow, we have the power and with the right knowledge, we can do amazing things! By getting educated early, we can set ourselves up for financially stable future, enabling us the financial freedom to reach our dreams!
For more information on the program and to vote for your favorite applicant, check out www.youngfreealberta.com
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Crowd Pleaser
Based out of Florida, Against Me! was the only US band mixed into the Canadian lineup for Billy Talent’s recent tour. Not only did they stand out as the only American band alongside the Cancer Bats and Alexisonfire, they stood out as the least interactive. In fact, the only words spoken at their stop at the Centrium in Red Deer were, “How’s it going Red Deer?”
This got me to wondering if they would have added to their performance with a little more crowd acknowledgement, or if it was fine just the way it was.
For the most part I highly enjoy bands that become involved with their fans. Encouraging crowd participation, clapping, singing along, jumping etc., provides a sense of camaraderie between the performers and the crowd and adds to the overall energy and excitement of the show.
Some bands offer personal stories and experiences between songs, sometimes unrelated to anything and other times pertaining to the particular song they’re about to play, their experiences recording the album, or happenings on tour. I find this helps connect the performer with the audience, giving the listeners insight onto the goings on of life in the studio or on the road, or perhaps the inner workings of their mind while writing their songs. I feel the sharing of life’s stories brings the musicians a little closer to earth and reminds us that they often have the same silly stories and strange occurrences that us ‘regular Joes’ experience.
However, not every band chooses to get that intimate with the crowd. I’ve found a lot of bands to include scripted lines into their shows such as the classic “You have been the best crowd on tour so far”. I can’t even count how many times I’ve heard that line. Times like that I wish bands would find a little originality. Pick out something unique about the particular city to comment on rather than generalizing it. Or just stick to the music. After all, that is the main reason we pay to go to a concert is it not?
I don’t have a problem with a band that isn’t outgoing or comedic if the quality of their live performance is high, such as Against Me!. I thoroughly enjoyed watching their set, solely for their music. Sometimes the only thing that matters is seeing some good quality music and appreciating the talent on stage. This is heavily dependent on the band though; a less established band could be seen as boring and impersonal and may not leave a lasting impression on the audience.
Mostly the debate is based on personal opinion. Do you prefer to watch a band that focuses on nothing but the music, or would you rather have the added entertainment between songs?
This got me to wondering if they would have added to their performance with a little more crowd acknowledgement, or if it was fine just the way it was.
For the most part I highly enjoy bands that become involved with their fans. Encouraging crowd participation, clapping, singing along, jumping etc., provides a sense of camaraderie between the performers and the crowd and adds to the overall energy and excitement of the show.
Some bands offer personal stories and experiences between songs, sometimes unrelated to anything and other times pertaining to the particular song they’re about to play, their experiences recording the album, or happenings on tour. I find this helps connect the performer with the audience, giving the listeners insight onto the goings on of life in the studio or on the road, or perhaps the inner workings of their mind while writing their songs. I feel the sharing of life’s stories brings the musicians a little closer to earth and reminds us that they often have the same silly stories and strange occurrences that us ‘regular Joes’ experience.
However, not every band chooses to get that intimate with the crowd. I’ve found a lot of bands to include scripted lines into their shows such as the classic “You have been the best crowd on tour so far”. I can’t even count how many times I’ve heard that line. Times like that I wish bands would find a little originality. Pick out something unique about the particular city to comment on rather than generalizing it. Or just stick to the music. After all, that is the main reason we pay to go to a concert is it not?
I don’t have a problem with a band that isn’t outgoing or comedic if the quality of their live performance is high, such as Against Me!. I thoroughly enjoyed watching their set, solely for their music. Sometimes the only thing that matters is seeing some good quality music and appreciating the talent on stage. This is heavily dependent on the band though; a less established band could be seen as boring and impersonal and may not leave a lasting impression on the audience.
Mostly the debate is based on personal opinion. Do you prefer to watch a band that focuses on nothing but the music, or would you rather have the added entertainment between songs?
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Bucket List
Last week I wrote about a current MTV show The Buried Life. The show follows a group of guys who have set out to cross off all 100 items on their list of things to do before they die. After seeing the show I decided to dig out my old list and see if I had accomplished anything, or if I had anything to add. I was in fact able to cross something off, which feels pretty darn cool, and I have many more things that I want to achieve.
I decided that I would share my bucket list with you, in hopes of maybe inspiring my readers to make goals and work to reach them. To see a list of things to accomplish makes you want to work to cross them off your list. And when the time comes to actually be able to cross something off, let me tell you, it is a pretty cool feeling
Becky’s Bucket List:
- Go to Japan
-Go to New York
- Backpack around Europe
- Bungee at Nevis Bungee in New Zealand
- Guinea pig ball down the hill in New Zealand
- Learn to surf
-Sky Dive
- Play the key-tar
- Get published in something bigger than the local newspaper
- Run a marathon
- Build a bear at the Build-a-Bear workshop
- Hold a baby gorilla and/or orangutan
- See the Vatican
- Get a puppy
- Be a flight attendant for West Jet
- Live in a big city
- Be an event planner
- Be in a movie
- Have dinner with someone important (besides myself)
- Tour with a band
- Get invited to a Geisha House
- Have my own family
- Own my own home
- Visit an Ashram
- Be involved with a charity
- Start my own website
- Own a Shiba Inu
- be on 'The Amazing Race'
- See Pink and Christina Aguilera live
The most important thing I want to accomplish is to make a difference in the world somehow. Maybe it’s only to make a difference in one person’s life, or many people, I want to be able to look back on my time here knowing that someone will always remember what I’ve done.
I may not have 100 things to accomplish yet, but I still feel that life is just beginning and I will come across many more things to add.
What do you want to do before you kick the bucket?
I decided that I would share my bucket list with you, in hopes of maybe inspiring my readers to make goals and work to reach them. To see a list of things to accomplish makes you want to work to cross them off your list. And when the time comes to actually be able to cross something off, let me tell you, it is a pretty cool feeling
Becky’s Bucket List:
- Go to Japan
- Backpack around Europe
- Bungee at Nevis Bungee in New Zealand
- Guinea pig ball down the hill in New Zealand
- Play the key-tar
- Get published in something bigger than the local newspaper
- Run a marathon
- Build a bear at the Build-a-Bear workshop
- Hold a baby gorilla and/or orangutan
- See the Vatican
- Get a puppy
- Be a flight attendant for West Jet
- Live in a big city
- Be an event planner
- Be in a movie
- Have dinner with someone important (besides myself)
- Tour with a band
- Get invited to a Geisha House
- Have my own family
- Own my own home
- Visit an Ashram
- Be involved with a charity
- Start my own website
- Own a Shiba Inu
- be on 'The Amazing Race'
- See Pink and Christina Aguilera live
The most important thing I want to accomplish is to make a difference in the world somehow. Maybe it’s only to make a difference in one person’s life, or many people, I want to be able to look back on my time here knowing that someone will always remember what I’ve done.
I may not have 100 things to accomplish yet, but I still feel that life is just beginning and I will come across many more things to add.
What do you want to do before you kick the bucket?
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Buried Life
Much Music and MTV used to be staples in my tv viewing diets until reality TV took over. These days I’m not even sure how either of these channels can be classified as music channels, as there is a supreme lack of music videos and an overabundance of these horrible reality shows.
Shows like Jersey Shore and The Real World make me feel dumber by the second if they are on. I don’t see how anyone can find interest in such horrible shows, or why anyone would even want to be ON these shows. While I do admit I’ve fallen victim to a couple shows that I consider guilty pleasures, most of the shows today, I feel, are garbage.
But recently MTV debuted a brand new reality show that I highly support. It’s called The Buried Life, and is about four boys determined to accomplish everything they’ve ever wanted to experience in life, while helping others achieve their dream at the same time.
Duncan, Ben, Dave and Jonnie created a list of 100 things to do before they die, with items like skydive, dance with Ellen Degeneres, be in a protest, and sleep in a haunted house. Some things on the list are silly and for fun, others more serious, aimed at making a difference in not only their personal lives, but other peoples as well. They have set out across the world to achieve their dreams and conquer their fears.
That alone gives me some inspiration to go out and do the things I want to do before I leave this world, but that’s not the only point of this show. For every thing they cross off their list, they must help someone else reach one of their dreams.
They’ve purchased computers for a school that had never had any, took a little boy to meet the Stanley Cup, and helped a little girl face her fear of heights by taking her on a rollercoaster at Knott’s Berry Farm. The list goes on and every episode brings a new task and a new stranger to help.
Unlike shows with attention and fame seeking bimbos, this program is showing kids that it is possible for dreams to come true and that with a little kindness, you too can help someone else have a brighter day.
MTV and Much Music need to work on creating more shows such as The Buried Life, that encourage the youth today to create positive goals for themselves and to be kind and helpful to others. Most youth today have no idea what a simple act of kindness means to a stranger. The future is in the world of our youth, and we need to work together to teach them to be the best individuals they can possibly to keep this world a positive and safe place to live.
I definitely recommend you check this show out on MTV. To see the list and what they’ve accomplished, as well as pictures and videos from their adventures, check out www.theburiedlife.com.
I also invite you to think of what things you want to accomplish before you pass, whether they are for fun or to help make a difference.
Shows like Jersey Shore and The Real World make me feel dumber by the second if they are on. I don’t see how anyone can find interest in such horrible shows, or why anyone would even want to be ON these shows. While I do admit I’ve fallen victim to a couple shows that I consider guilty pleasures, most of the shows today, I feel, are garbage.
But recently MTV debuted a brand new reality show that I highly support. It’s called The Buried Life, and is about four boys determined to accomplish everything they’ve ever wanted to experience in life, while helping others achieve their dream at the same time.
Duncan, Ben, Dave and Jonnie created a list of 100 things to do before they die, with items like skydive, dance with Ellen Degeneres, be in a protest, and sleep in a haunted house. Some things on the list are silly and for fun, others more serious, aimed at making a difference in not only their personal lives, but other peoples as well. They have set out across the world to achieve their dreams and conquer their fears.
That alone gives me some inspiration to go out and do the things I want to do before I leave this world, but that’s not the only point of this show. For every thing they cross off their list, they must help someone else reach one of their dreams.
They’ve purchased computers for a school that had never had any, took a little boy to meet the Stanley Cup, and helped a little girl face her fear of heights by taking her on a rollercoaster at Knott’s Berry Farm. The list goes on and every episode brings a new task and a new stranger to help.
Unlike shows with attention and fame seeking bimbos, this program is showing kids that it is possible for dreams to come true and that with a little kindness, you too can help someone else have a brighter day.
MTV and Much Music need to work on creating more shows such as The Buried Life, that encourage the youth today to create positive goals for themselves and to be kind and helpful to others. Most youth today have no idea what a simple act of kindness means to a stranger. The future is in the world of our youth, and we need to work together to teach them to be the best individuals they can possibly to keep this world a positive and safe place to live.
I definitely recommend you check this show out on MTV. To see the list and what they’ve accomplished, as well as pictures and videos from their adventures, check out www.theburiedlife.com.
I also invite you to think of what things you want to accomplish before you pass, whether they are for fun or to help make a difference.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Fake Plastic Girl
Recently People magazine featured the MTV reality show The Hills star, Heidi Montag on the cover. The wannabe pop star was sharing the story of her recent and shocking operation in which she underwent 10 different plastic surgery procedures.
At 23 years old, Montag has received a mini brow lift, botox in various places, a nose job revision (following a surgery in 2007), facial fat injections, chin reduction, liposuction on the neck, waist, hips, inner and outer thighs, had her ears pinned back, a buttock augmentation and a breast augmentation revision which enhanced her previously enlarged chest to a DDD.
According to the star, it’s still not enough. She wants larger breasts yet, which already over power her small frame, and stated in the interview that as she ages there will constantly be maintenance to keep herself looking ‘perfect’.
In my opinion, Heidi was already a pretty girl when she debuted on screen in the first season of The Hills. She was someone young girls watching the show could somewhat relate to. I was disappointed after her first surgery in 2007 when she had her nose and breasts done, but she still looked ‘normal’. Then Hollywood swallowed up the best of her and she looks plastic and fake. It’s absolutely disgusting.
What is she teaching young girls today? To be successful you have to have the blondest hair, the biggest boobs, and the smallest waist? She is not helping girls improve their confidence and embrace their own bodies. In today’s world, the pressure to be thin and beautiful is everywhere. Another fake blonde wanting to become famous through her looks rather than genuine talent and smarts is exactly what this world DOESN’T need. And is she really becoming successful?
Alongside her media hungry husband, Spencer Pratt, she has claimed she will become more famous than Michael Jackson. Her recently released album has sold barely 1000 copies.
Her first live performance on Miss Universe 2009 was a train wreck. Decked out in a skin colored body suit, similar to what Britney Spears wore during one of her performances, she wriggled around on stage what she called a dance routine, while lip synching, although in an interview following the performance she insisted it was her singing. It was a horrible, talentless performance.
It’s a career already as fake as her chest.
We need to stop paying attention to these so called celebrities like Heidi Montag and start recognizing the celebrities that promote healthy habits and encourage girls to love their own bodies, imperfections and all. And never forget, that it’s really the personality on the inside that counts the most.


At 23 years old, Montag has received a mini brow lift, botox in various places, a nose job revision (following a surgery in 2007), facial fat injections, chin reduction, liposuction on the neck, waist, hips, inner and outer thighs, had her ears pinned back, a buttock augmentation and a breast augmentation revision which enhanced her previously enlarged chest to a DDD.
According to the star, it’s still not enough. She wants larger breasts yet, which already over power her small frame, and stated in the interview that as she ages there will constantly be maintenance to keep herself looking ‘perfect’.
In my opinion, Heidi was already a pretty girl when she debuted on screen in the first season of The Hills. She was someone young girls watching the show could somewhat relate to. I was disappointed after her first surgery in 2007 when she had her nose and breasts done, but she still looked ‘normal’. Then Hollywood swallowed up the best of her and she looks plastic and fake. It’s absolutely disgusting.
What is she teaching young girls today? To be successful you have to have the blondest hair, the biggest boobs, and the smallest waist? She is not helping girls improve their confidence and embrace their own bodies. In today’s world, the pressure to be thin and beautiful is everywhere. Another fake blonde wanting to become famous through her looks rather than genuine talent and smarts is exactly what this world DOESN’T need. And is she really becoming successful?
Alongside her media hungry husband, Spencer Pratt, she has claimed she will become more famous than Michael Jackson. Her recently released album has sold barely 1000 copies.
Her first live performance on Miss Universe 2009 was a train wreck. Decked out in a skin colored body suit, similar to what Britney Spears wore during one of her performances, she wriggled around on stage what she called a dance routine, while lip synching, although in an interview following the performance she insisted it was her singing. It was a horrible, talentless performance.
It’s a career already as fake as her chest.
We need to stop paying attention to these so called celebrities like Heidi Montag and start recognizing the celebrities that promote healthy habits and encourage girls to love their own bodies, imperfections and all. And never forget, that it’s really the personality on the inside that counts the most.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Talented Twins

Tegan and Sara returned to their home town, and place of graduation for two shows at the Jubilee in Calgary January 9th and 10th. The twin sisters are on tour promoting their sixth album, Sainthood, released in October, 2009, and teamed up with the two-piece Australian indie rock duo An Horse.
They started the show with Arrow, the first song off their new album, and there was very little difference in quality from the live show to the recorded album. Backed by a three piece band, the girls pumped out song after song, making their way through all the songs from Sainthood, and throwing in a mix of songs from their past five albums.
No strangers to the music scene, the sisters have been performing for more than a decade, and they have come a long way since their days of playing in local bars. Partway through the set, Tegan took a break to tell a story about buying their first amp when they were kids. The comedic banter between the girls, often about childhood memories and various tour antics, is one of the best parts about seeing the duo live.
What comes as a surprise is that until recently, the girls had never written a single song together. Their songs are written separately and usually the writer will sing the main melody. The unusual writing process has proven to be successful over the years, but the girls decided to try their hand at writing together. While none of the co-written songs made it on the record, they informed the crowd that they weren’t bad songs, they just didn’t make the cut and we may hear them down the road.
After making it through the set list, the girls return for a 4 song encore, ending the show with my personal two favorite songs, the slower Call it Off and the angry, energized ballad, Living Room.
Starting off as two girls with a guitar, Tegan and Sara Quin have grown to be successful indie rockstars. Their talent and personalities shine through their music onstage and it is highly recommended to go see them play in their hometown.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
A Decade of Memories
December 31 was the end of not only another year, but an entire decade. Looking back at the last ten years, I realize how much I've accomplished.
Ten years ago I was 13 years old and just beginning high school. During those four years in school I learned a new language and fell in love with a unique country, spawning my quest to visit Japan. In my fourth year of Japanese studies I even earned the 'Best Japanese Student' award, which was a proud accomplishment.
For my work experience class, I was looking for something to prepare myself for the journalism career I had planned to pursue and found myself working as a reporter for the local newspaper. I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to work with a great editor who gave me the freedom to write on topics of my choice most of the time. I loved seeing my name in print!
I graduated high school and shortly after left home and moved to the city, where I was taking Business Administration at the college. I was disappointed I wasn't accepted into the journalism program that I had originally applied for, but didn't give up on my writing. I contributed to the college paper writing music and concert reviews. It was an exciting new chapter of my life, starting a life of my own at only 17! I did well though!

High School Graduation, 2004
Two years later, I had graduated from my program with a diploma in Business Administration, majoring in Marketing. I believe I was the first one in my entire family to graduate from college at this point! I was even juggling a part time job at Music World, immersed in a world I love, MUSIC!
Following graduation, I was hired at the local credit union, where I worked as a teller for six months, before moving to the department I am currently working as an administrative assistant. I just recently received my 3 year service award and I couldn't have asked for a better team to work with over the past three years. They have become my second family!
In my free time, I was lucky to be apart of an awesome dance group where I gained some confidence and, well, learned to dance! Most of my evenings were spent at the studio, learning new routines and making new friends. I met alot of great girls and had some great experiences performing across the province. While I may be shy on the outside, I have always secretly loved the spotlight.
Chair Tease Dance
During these ten years, my love for music exploded, fueling my concert addiction. I've had the opportunity to see so many of my favorite artist live, even being lucky enough to meet some of them. Many people don't understand how I can spend so much money going to concerts all the time, but they don't know how much happiness I feel submerged in a crowd watching our favorite musicians onstage.

Dallas Green of City and Colour

Lady Gaga

Gwen Stefani

Britney Spears
Of course I can't forget to mention the amazing travel opportunities I have had. In March 2001 my family went on holidays in Hawaii, which was such a beautiful place! I would love to go back there. In December that same year, we traveled to Las Vegas for the National Finals Rodeo. We explored the hotels on the strip, checked out the Hoover Dam and the Valley of Fire, as well as the Tournament of Kings medieval show and a magic show. It was an interesting time at the airports, being two short months after the 9/11 attacks in New York.
In 2002 and 2003 we traveled to Mesa, Arizona to visit my grandfather, which would be the last big family trips out of the country.
September of 2007 my grandma, uncle and aunt took me to New York City for my 21st birthday. Despite growing up on an acreage raising both sheep and goats, I have always loved big cities and always dreamed of seeing New York! We took in the Lion King and Phantom of the Opera on Broadway, wandered Times Square, China Town and Little Italy, saw the Statue of Liberty from the Staten Island Ferry, rode the subway, saw Wall Street, bought a replica designer bag down an alley in a sketchy secret room down Canal Street, ate a hot dog on the street, visited the MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) and the Guggenheim, walked the Brooklyn Bridge, wandered through Central Park, bought designer dresses in the Upper East Side, watched Matt Lauer filming Good Morning America, and so much more. We accomplished alot in the short time we were there, but at the same time there is still so much left to see. I can't wait to return to that city

Statue of Liberty

Radio City Music Hall

Brooklyn Bridge

Wall Street
In April 2008, I took my first trip without family to Las Vegas for my best friend's 21st birthday. It was a blast! We all shopped until our credit cards were maxed, I bought yet another designer dress! We got the VIP treatment at all the clubs and were treated like queens.

May 2009 saw another girls trip to the City of Sin and it was another absolute blast. This time we managed to take some day trips outside of Nevada. One day spent lying on Huntington Beach, eating seafood and strolling Rodeo Drive, and another day spent sky diving, before a trek to Zion Nation Park in Utah, where we climbed Angels Landing. Angels landing is a 2.4 meter trek up solid rock trail, with nothing but a chain to hold onto to keep you from falling over the edge. What an unreal day that was!

2009 was obviously the year for fearlessness. Not only did I jump out of a plane and climb to the top of a mountain, I also put my nerves to the test by trying out bungee jumping in Nanaimo, British Columbia while visiting one of my best friends from high school. The search is on to find more ways to give my parents heart attacks and get the adrenaline pumping!

Climbing Angels Landing in Zion National Park, Utah

Just landed from sky diving in Mesquite, Nevada

Getting ready for bungee jumping in Nanaimo, BC
This past year saw the end of my dance career. But I quickly immersed myself in new activities, trying out yoga for the first time. I fell in love with yoga and am continuing to practice into the new year.
I also began running more seriously, and as of the end of December am able to run 3km continuously, in less than half hour. I am proud of this accomplishment being that I have never been very athletic and have always had trouble with any cardio exercise. My new goal for 2010 is to run a marathon this summer, I'm hoping even a 10k!
Now 23 years old, I realize I have grown a lot over the past year, not to mention the past decade. I've been a lot of places, made some amazing friends and memories to never be forgotten. I've done things I never thought I would do, and have had a lifetime of fun along the way. It's hard to even predict where I will be and what will happen over the next ten years, but I'm excited to find out!
To everyone in my life, all the best in 2010 and beyond!
Ten years ago I was 13 years old and just beginning high school. During those four years in school I learned a new language and fell in love with a unique country, spawning my quest to visit Japan. In my fourth year of Japanese studies I even earned the 'Best Japanese Student' award, which was a proud accomplishment.
For my work experience class, I was looking for something to prepare myself for the journalism career I had planned to pursue and found myself working as a reporter for the local newspaper. I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to work with a great editor who gave me the freedom to write on topics of my choice most of the time. I loved seeing my name in print!
I graduated high school and shortly after left home and moved to the city, where I was taking Business Administration at the college. I was disappointed I wasn't accepted into the journalism program that I had originally applied for, but didn't give up on my writing. I contributed to the college paper writing music and concert reviews. It was an exciting new chapter of my life, starting a life of my own at only 17! I did well though!

Two years later, I had graduated from my program with a diploma in Business Administration, majoring in Marketing. I believe I was the first one in my entire family to graduate from college at this point! I was even juggling a part time job at Music World, immersed in a world I love, MUSIC!
Following graduation, I was hired at the local credit union, where I worked as a teller for six months, before moving to the department I am currently working as an administrative assistant. I just recently received my 3 year service award and I couldn't have asked for a better team to work with over the past three years. They have become my second family!
In my free time, I was lucky to be apart of an awesome dance group where I gained some confidence and, well, learned to dance! Most of my evenings were spent at the studio, learning new routines and making new friends. I met alot of great girls and had some great experiences performing across the province. While I may be shy on the outside, I have always secretly loved the spotlight.

During these ten years, my love for music exploded, fueling my concert addiction. I've had the opportunity to see so many of my favorite artist live, even being lucky enough to meet some of them. Many people don't understand how I can spend so much money going to concerts all the time, but they don't know how much happiness I feel submerged in a crowd watching our favorite musicians onstage.

Of course I can't forget to mention the amazing travel opportunities I have had. In March 2001 my family went on holidays in Hawaii, which was such a beautiful place! I would love to go back there. In December that same year, we traveled to Las Vegas for the National Finals Rodeo. We explored the hotels on the strip, checked out the Hoover Dam and the Valley of Fire, as well as the Tournament of Kings medieval show and a magic show. It was an interesting time at the airports, being two short months after the 9/11 attacks in New York.
In 2002 and 2003 we traveled to Mesa, Arizona to visit my grandfather, which would be the last big family trips out of the country.
September of 2007 my grandma, uncle and aunt took me to New York City for my 21st birthday. Despite growing up on an acreage raising both sheep and goats, I have always loved big cities and always dreamed of seeing New York! We took in the Lion King and Phantom of the Opera on Broadway, wandered Times Square, China Town and Little Italy, saw the Statue of Liberty from the Staten Island Ferry, rode the subway, saw Wall Street, bought a replica designer bag down an alley in a sketchy secret room down Canal Street, ate a hot dog on the street, visited the MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) and the Guggenheim, walked the Brooklyn Bridge, wandered through Central Park, bought designer dresses in the Upper East Side, watched Matt Lauer filming Good Morning America, and so much more. We accomplished alot in the short time we were there, but at the same time there is still so much left to see. I can't wait to return to that city

In April 2008, I took my first trip without family to Las Vegas for my best friend's 21st birthday. It was a blast! We all shopped until our credit cards were maxed, I bought yet another designer dress! We got the VIP treatment at all the clubs and were treated like queens.

May 2009 saw another girls trip to the City of Sin and it was another absolute blast. This time we managed to take some day trips outside of Nevada. One day spent lying on Huntington Beach, eating seafood and strolling Rodeo Drive, and another day spent sky diving, before a trek to Zion Nation Park in Utah, where we climbed Angels Landing. Angels landing is a 2.4 meter trek up solid rock trail, with nothing but a chain to hold onto to keep you from falling over the edge. What an unreal day that was!

2009 was obviously the year for fearlessness. Not only did I jump out of a plane and climb to the top of a mountain, I also put my nerves to the test by trying out bungee jumping in Nanaimo, British Columbia while visiting one of my best friends from high school. The search is on to find more ways to give my parents heart attacks and get the adrenaline pumping!

This past year saw the end of my dance career. But I quickly immersed myself in new activities, trying out yoga for the first time. I fell in love with yoga and am continuing to practice into the new year.
I also began running more seriously, and as of the end of December am able to run 3km continuously, in less than half hour. I am proud of this accomplishment being that I have never been very athletic and have always had trouble with any cardio exercise. My new goal for 2010 is to run a marathon this summer, I'm hoping even a 10k!
Now 23 years old, I realize I have grown a lot over the past year, not to mention the past decade. I've been a lot of places, made some amazing friends and memories to never be forgotten. I've done things I never thought I would do, and have had a lifetime of fun along the way. It's hard to even predict where I will be and what will happen over the next ten years, but I'm excited to find out!
To everyone in my life, all the best in 2010 and beyond!
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