Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Recipe: Protein Pancakes

For anyone following my blog that is interested in eating healthier, I wanted to share a recipe passed on to me from my wonderful boyfriend, Adam.

When I first saw this recipe I thought these were going to be disgusting, but they are easily my favorite meal. Not only do they taste great, but they are SO simple to make. Enjoy!

1/3 cup oatmeal
1/3 cup cottage cheese
3 egg whites

Blend together until it resembles a pancake batter. I throw it all in my magic bullet to blend in seconds.

Now here is when you get to be a little creative. You can add some cocoa powder or cinnamon and blend in some fruit for a bit of flavor. Be careful of what fruit you use though. I once tried blending in some frozen blueberries and it came out way too runny and wouldn't cook properly (they were a really pretty purple color though!).

Personally, once my pancakes are cooked I like to spread a tiny bit of natural peanut butter over them and top with a sliced up banana.  Yum!

What is your favorite healthy recipe? I'm always looking for some new ideas, so please share!


  1. This is awesome! I think you posted this on my blog once but this totally reminded me about it. I am definitely doing to try these out.

    I think I'd try it with blueberries too except I'd just add whole fresh ones! :) You could probably even add dark chocolate chips or something for a treat! :)

  2. Whole fresh ones would definitely be the best option, but I have a giant Costco bag of frozen (cheaper) so that's what I tried. It was a disaster. Best combo is the banana/pb. I know Adam uses cocoa powder and blends his banana right in.

  3. Oh I love the costco frozen ones for smoothies! :) Lately the one here has been selling actual fresh blueberries which is SO rare in the winter, so we definitely take advantage of them!

    I'll definitely play around with them and add some random stuff in! I don't really like bananas at ALL, so I try to find other things! :)
