Friday, June 4, 2010

Back to School Blues

I’ve recently taken a plunge and decided to go back to school. It’s been nearly four years since I completed college and entered the workforce full time, and my student skills are a bit rusty.
It was a long, hard decision to make.

Luckily I managed to find the program I was interested in was available online, which meant not having to move, apply for student loans and become the starving student again. I’m still able to keep my full time job, work from home in the evenings and the course fees are affordable. Not only that, the program has been a high interest of mine for a few years and the idea of acquiring new skills that may lead to new career opportunities had me excited!

I quickly enrolled for my first class and anxiously awaited the start date.

But the closer the beginning came, the more nervous I became. Will I fit in? Will the other kids like me? Will my instructors be friendly and helpful? What if I don’t get good grades? What if I just don’t like it!

The introductory class started nearly two weeks ago, with one week left to go. Within a few days of starting I still felt a bit worked up. I worked hard to get all of the course reading done, finished my first major assignment ahead of schedule and had a good start on a couple of the smaller assignments.

But it hasn’t been easy. The temptation of social gatherings has been a hard one to resist, and it hasn’t come without any mocking about being able to come out to play after my homework or staying out past curfew. Thanks, guys!

On top of that I’ve quickly reverted back to the stressed out student worrying about essay topics and finishing assignments on time. And who thought this was a good idea to start right at the beginning of summer?! I’m hoping as my classes continue I will work out a routine to manage my work life, personal life and now school life so I’m not missing out on any summer fun but still making sure I’m getting all my homework done and learning as much as then.

In the mean time, you can probably read all of my homework woes through my Twitter feed. 

1 comment:

  1. I hope you realize how much more "make fun of bexie" ammo this blog gave me! Please don't hate me!!!!
