Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Buh Bye Blogger

Well folks, now's the time for that announcement:

I have a new website: Please visit me there.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Book Worm

Ever since I was a kid I've loved reading. While most kids would get in trouble for watching TV at the dinner table, I would get in trouble for reading my book at the dinner table.

I went through a period in college where I wasn't reading for entertainment. Far too much reading for learning purposes which made me not want to read much more when the day was done. I've since gotten into the habit of reading before bed, which isn't always as much time as I'd hope, but it's the best I can do with my busy schedule.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Running vs Walking

There’s no denying that cardio should be an important part of your fitness regime. Not only does it keep your heart strong, but it’s a great calorie burner. I have always gone for a short run around my neighborhood after my evening class. 
My Running Trail

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weekend Report

After months of harassing my cousin (who's pretty much like a brother to me) to come visit, he finally made the trip down from Calgary to hang out and catch up. Apparently having a girlfriend has become more of a priority than hanging with his favorite cuz....Pfft. I still don't think this girl exists outside of photos since I haven't had the pleasure of meeting her yet.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sweet Caramel

A coworker brought me a little surprise the other day. She picked up these little sweet treats at Nutters and gave me a couple packs to try.

I take my coffee black as adding sugar and cream, while delicious, add so many extra and unnecessary calories to your morning caffeine fix. If I'm looking for a sweet fix, I keep some packets of Stevia in my desk at work but I may just be hooked on these little delights. Before pouring in my coffee I decided to try a little taste first. I nearly died. So much caramel sweetness. Half of a package is a perfect amount for one cup and even tastes delicious in a cup of Keurig brewed French Vanilla.

It's not quite the same as my frappachino or latte addictions from Starbucks, but those are only once in awhile treats and the Krisda Cafe Caramel will make a fine substitute in the mean time. They even come in almond and vanilla flavors, which I may have to pick up now.

Speaking of Starbucks: from now until May 15 it's Frappachino Happy Hour (1/2 price frapps!) from 3-5pm. I've been finding it very hard not to go everyday now that they have my ultimate favorite the Mocha Coconut, which I discovered only previously existed in Hawaii. I'm holding out until my weekend cheat day but I'm dreaming about it daily until then. If only they didn't have calories.....
My daily fix in Hawaii

Stay Tuned!

I'm very very very excited for an exciting announcement regarding this blog!
Stay tuned to find out more...

Or if you're really curious I will accept bribes!

Orrrr maybe I'll tell you when I reach 4000 hits to this thing?

Monday, May 9, 2011

May Showers

Saturday was a very special day, my best friends bridal shower. I was very fortunate that her boss and coworker who are very close friends to her decided they wanted to take over the planning for this. They did a wonderful job hosting and made for a very memorable day. I'm so honored to have such an amazing best friend and to be a part of this precious time in her life.